PLM - Power Driven H-Series Hood Exit Race Header 4-1 Megaphone H22 F20B H22A
PLM - Power Driven H-Series Hood Exit Race Header 4-1 Megaphone H22 F20B H22A
Category: HeadersVendor: PrivateLabelMFG
PLM Private Label Mfg. Power Driven H-Series hood exit race header with 4-1 megaphone collector features a true 4-1 merge collector with a reverse cone outlet to create maximum exhaust flow.
Engine Fitment:
- H-Series
- H-Series Swap
- H2B Swap
- H22 H22A F20B
Vehicle Applications:
- 1992 - 2000 Honda Civic
- 1993 - 1997 Honda Del Sol
- 1994 - 2001 Acura Integra
- 1988 - 1991 Honda CRX with H Series engine (aftermarket traction bar requried)
- 1990 - 1993 Acura Integra (aftermarket traction bar requried)
- 304 brushed stainless steel
- Hand TIG welded
- Modification needed to run A/C and P/S
- O2 extension needed
- Precision CNC machined manifold flange
- One year warranty
- 18 gauge stainless steel tubing
- Includes OEM spec header gasket ($20+ value)
- Includes exhaust heat shield trim ($50+ value)
- Half core radiator must be used with slim fan
- Two-piece design with 4-1 merge collector
- Older vehicles such as EF Civic, DA Integra will need aftermarket traction bars
- Off road, race use only
- Not CARB legal
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery
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