Precision Turbo & Engine - Mirror Image GEN2 PT7675 BB Turbo - 1300HP - Standard Rotation
Precision Turbo & Engine - Mirror Image GEN2 PT7675 BB Turbo - 1300HP - Standard Rotation
Category: TurbochargersVendor: Precision Turbo & Engine
Mirror Image GEN2 PT7675 Turbochargers by PTE
Designed with the perfectionist in mind, Precision's Mirror Image Turbochargers will deliver the symmetrical look that enthusiasts have been seeking for years. These units were engineered with a clean sheet approach, to bring your street, race, or show car to a whole new level.
Purpose-built for enhanced durability and maximum performance, the new Mirror Image GEN2 PT7675 turbochargers feature an air-cooled, dual ceramic ball bearing Center Housing Rotating Assembly (CHRA) for faster transient response and the ultimate in thrust capacity.
Additional features include a 76mm GEN2 CEA® compressor wheel and a 75mm CEA turbine wheel for maximum power and efficiency. Each turbocharger comes standard with our Ported "H" compressor cover featuring a 4" inlet and 3" outlet that is perfect for applications with packaging constraints. All units come standard with a 310-investment cast stainless steel turbine housing to ensure a classy appearance that will last for years.
Rated to support up to 2,600 horsepower in a twin configuration, these products are truly unique in the marketplace and are set to be a game-changer in the performance turbocharger market.
- Delivers the symmetrical look that enthusiasts have been seeking for years
- Engineered with a clean sheet approach, to bring your street, race, or show car to a whole new level
- Purpose-built for enhanced durability and maximum performance
- Air-cooled, dual ceramic ball bearing Center Housing Rotating Assembly (CHRA) for faster transient response and the ultimate in thrust capacity
- 76mm GEN2 CEA® compressor wheel and a 75mm CEA turbine wheel for maximum power and efficiency
- Ported "H" compressor cover featuring a 4" inlet and 3" outlet that is perfect for applications with packaging constraints
- Comes standard with a 310-investment cast stainless steel turbine housing to ensure a classy appearance that will last for years.
- Rated to support up to 2,600 horsepower in a twin configuration
- Ported "H" compressor cover featuring a 4" inlet and 3" outlet that is perfect for applications with packaging constraints
- Universal
What's In The Box?
- 1 - Standard Rotation GEN2 PT7675
- Each Precision Turbo brand turbocharger is warranted to be free from manufacturer's defects for a Period of 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever occurs first, from date of original invoice.
Shipping & Delivery
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